Friday 20 July 2012


There are many different types of jealousy that the human body can experience. Jealousy can be seen in everyday activities and settings. Jealousy is an intense emotion that is associated with the loss of services or outcomes associated with other individuals. This intense emotion can be seen or experienced in family situations, at work, in romantic relationships and even between friends.

This includes the following:
1. sibling rivalry
2. workplace jealousy
3. romantic jealosy
4. platonic jealousy

  • Sibling rivalry – Sibling rivalry is a common form of family jealousy. Family jealousy can affect all ages and different members of any family. This jealousy can arise from lack of attention from a specific member in the family. More attention towards another member of the family can cause this emotion or the emotion can be seen through comparison to another member in the family. This type of jealousy is once again in result of losing some sort of attention or services that someone once had or that they believe that they had.
  • Workplace jealousy – Jealousy in the work place is not uncommon. People can experience jealousy of one another in practically any setting that one person feels like they are losing services from something or someone else. This type of jealousy is often seen between colleagues in similar job positions. If one worker receives positive feedback from the boss while the other employee feels like they deserved that, positive feedback jealousy can arise. Jealousy between colleagues can also arise if the employees are working for a raise or trying to outdo each other for similar job positions. Once again, the attention received towards one employee and not the other may cause intense emotions of jealousy to develop.
  • Romantic jealousy – Romantic jealousy can be experienced in long-term or short-term relationships. One partner can feel the emotion of jealousy arise if the other partner is paying more attention or time with someone else. To lose services from one partner and have their attention directed towards someone else does not have to be in a romantic way. One partner could be spending more time with a friend that no romantic feelings could ever develop.
  • Platonic jealousy – Platonic jealousy is a form of jealousy that is seen in friendships. Platonic jealousy is similar to romantic jealousy in the way that this type of relationship can lead to jealousy in result of fear of being replaced, having competition or being compared to a third party. For example, the intense emotion of jealousy can arise if two friends that are females decide that they like the same man and both want to possibly start a romantic relationship with him. Comparison and competition will more often than not lead to the two females experiencing the emotion of jealousy.
This month of July we are going to be discussing extensively about jealously and how we can avoid it in order for us to experience a stress free relationship with our friends and families. have a wonderful weekend.


According to wikipedia, the free encyclopidea dictionary Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy.
Jealousy is a familiar experience in human relationships. It has been observed in infants five months and older. Some claim that jealousy is seen in every culture; however, others claim jealousy is a culture-specific phenomenon.

"The only Scriptures that give me any trouble," said Mark Twain, "are those I fully understand."
And I suppose a lot of people may be troubled by the words of this scripture when they fully understand its meaning:
Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire.
(Song of Solomon 8:6)
Like the grave, jealousy intrudes upon all ages and sexes and types and conditions of humanity. Jealousy IS cruel as the grave.
It was Shakespeare who said:
"O beware of jealousy!
It is the green-eyed monster
That doth mock the meat it feeds upon."
Have you ever felt the fire of jealousy in your heart? Has this serpent ever hissed in your ear? Has "getting to the top" so possessed you that hearing your nearest rival publicly praised causes you pain? Is there someone whose attractiveness and popularity you secretly hate? Is there "someone special" who is superior to you and their advancement causes you to secretly desire their public humiliation? Is there even one, solitary person in this world whose affection you fear might be turning to someone else? Then, beware of jealousy!
Jealousy! Its empire extends from the brute creation to man, the prince of creation. The first crime that stained the first pages of human history was committed by a jealous man. Cain was the first human ever born through humanity itself. And Cain became so insanely jealous of his own brother, Abel, that he murdered him.
Jealousy knows no boundaries, no limits. It is common to all people everywhere and in all walks of life. It is common among brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, in-laws, lovers, friends, business associates and even preachers of the gospel.
Jealousy does cost. It's expensive. Jealousy uncovers bottomless pits of wickedness in people, provoking them to even the most horrible of crimes. Jealousy lures the soul on to a fierce banquet of suspicion and hate, only to torture it with starvation.
Solomon said in Proverbs 27:4 (NIV) – Who can stand before jealousy?
As a moth gnaws a garment, so does jealousy gnaw at one's spiritual vitals until it destroys him. The jealous person poisons his own banquet – and then eats it.
Jealousy is like a boomerang. It always comes home to haunt you, then to hurt you.
Shakespeare said, "No, not the hangman's axe bears half the keenness of thy sharp envy."
I challenge you to show me a jealous person who is a happy person. Jealousy hurts the attacker more than the attacked. It ravages the nobler instincts of a man or woman and prods them and prompts them to become the kind of person who hates themselves and everybody else. Jealousy really is as cruel as the grave.
The time to attack jealousy is when you first feel the heat of its blistering fire. Just as thousands of lives could be saved each year from malignant cancer through early diagnosis and treatment, multiplied thousands of people could have a right relationship with themselves, with others, and with God if they would attack this green-eyed monster – jealousy – when it first rears its ugly head.
It isn't easy to slay a monster. And especially a green-eyed monster like jealousy. But it must be done. And it should begin right now.
I offer these five simple suggestions to cure jealousy and slay the monster:
1) Stop living within yourself entirely. Start doing something for God, and/or for someone else, without even the slightest thought of any return.
2) Get involved in God's work. It's too big and too critically important to be annoyed or destroyed by petty jealousies.
3) Apply the golden rule. "Do unto others as if you were the 'others'."
4) Cultivate the presence of Jesus in your life moment by moment.
5) Open up your life and start giving.
Where God's love dwells in all its fullness, there is no room for jealousy. Then and only then will your life become a life of peace instead of pieces.