every family and industry, all areas of society and fields of endeavor
need otherworldly thinkers, lovers, and leaders to rise above the status
People who dare to be different to become catalysts of change aspire for excellence in all that they are and everything they do.
excellence becomes a lifestyle, everything else with it, becomes easily
executable because it has been repeated many times before, like a daily
Do you want to be excellent just like everyone else? Nope, I don’t.
I want to be exceptionally excellent.
Exceptional excellence requires:
1.) Being faithful in the little things because all great things starts small
2.) Doing the same old boring strokes as needed
3.) Taking risks in new ideas, experiences, and relationships
4.) Continuing even when others have already given up
5.) Living out your values and vision even if sometimes it means walking alone
Catalysts of change embody the following traits in exceptional amount:
- Lifelong learning and personal growth
- Passion
- Courage
- Tenacity
- Faith
The road to becoming exceptionally
excellent is a long and narrow road – not an easy one – but with the
help of family, friends and God, it is possible.
What is Excellence?
Excellence means exhibiting characteristics that are very good and, implicitly, not achievable by all.
Excellence enshrines one meaning of quality: a traditional view that associates quality with the exceptional.
Exceptionally excellence is one of the core definitions of Quality.
The exceptional
view sees quality as something special. Traditionally, quality refers
to something distinctive and élitist, and, in educational terms is
linked to notions of excellence, of ‘high quality’ beyond that to which
most institutions or scholars can aspire.
Definition of Quality: "WOW"
RATIONALE: Suppose you were with your *soul mate*, *significant
other* *spouse* etc. and after a relationship that person looked
longingly into your eyes and said "That met the requirements!" or "There
were no defects there!" or "That had all the value I wanted!" or "The
degree of excellence was acceptable!. Wouldn't you rather have that
person look into your eyes and say "WOW!"
@RPF this is our slogan, '......its all about fab-fash' and our policy..."Quality" is to satisfy the
ever-changing needs of our customers, vendors and employees, with value
added products and services emphasizing a continuous commitment to
satisfaction through an ongoing process of education, communication,
evaluation and constant improvement. We work tirelessly to be exceptionally excellent in all we do. You can not separate the process and the human factor, therefore I
believe that Quality, when built into a product, generates emotions and
feelings within those who have taken part in it's creation. When you
have made something that you are proud of, when you have produced a
product that brings smiles to your customers, then you have achieved
Quality. You'll know it, they'll know it, and each of you will prosper
from it.
is generally taken to mean outstanding, or of a quality that surpasses a
defined threshold in a particular field. In the case of research, there
is no agreed way in which excellence is defined or measured uniformly
across different disciplines at the international level, although some
attempts have been made using bibliometric analyses, with limited
success. The UK Higher Education Funding Councils currently seek to
measure the quality of research at the national level in all subject
areas through periodic Research Assessment Exercises. The RAE does this
by assessing research against assumed measures of international
excellence. It does not however seek to benchmark quality against
international comparators since there are no internationally agreed
measures of quality
In a paper entitled, The Power of Quality,
the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V., a member and national
partner organisation of the European Foundation for Quality Management
(EFQM), states
'Excellence is defined as exceptionally good performance in all areas of management'.
is defined by University of St. Thomas Deans and Directors as "doing it all". Academic
excellence is defined by UST Academic Excellence Committee as "engaging
his or her discipline with an attitude of intellectual curiousity and a
desire to make meaningful contributions to the field", "sharing his or
her scholarly inquiries with students in a systematic and meaningful way
so as to enhance their collegiate experience".
Relating excellence to service provision, University of Louisville (1995) states:
excellence” is defined as a focus on reliability, convenience, and
price competitiveness. Customers would expect total availability,
security and integrity of the infrastructure and services. Customers
expect reliability to be the norm, followed by convenience (delivery of
quick, dependable service), and then price competitiveness (lowest