Sunday 29 October 2017


It was midterm 'open day in my children's school. My first born told me after the family devotion ' Daddy,please come to my school by 10a.m. My friends said their dad or mum are coming and I told them; my daddy too is coming' I was about stepping out of the office some minutes to 10a.m to go for the open-day excerise when I saw a man and his wife coming for counselling. It was a serious issues that needed my attention. Before I could finish with them, it took few hours. Meanwhile, over there in my son's class, his friends were already making jest of him ' Wonder, you said your dad is coming, where is your dad? He kept telling them, ' my dad will come. He told me he is coming and I know he will come. He might come late, but he will come' Other children in the class that their parents had come for their own open day excerise were bragging and mocking my son that his daddy is not coming and that he is just lying. It got to a time, my son was loosing hope, it was getting really late and school closing time was getting nearer. The jesting continued. It got to a time, he was looking like a liar. He was trying to be brave and fighting his tears from falling. I finished all the counselling and I drove to their school. As I stepped out of the car, my son saw me from afar and he started jubilating, saying with excitement, ' my daddy is here! I told all of you that he might come late, but he will come!, My daddy is here...' As I entered into the class, the whole class gave me the usual class welcoming greeting. I noticed my son's eyes was looking dull and bright at the same time..I asked him if he was crying. It was then his class teacher told me all the drama that happened between him and his friends. I heard some of his friends saying, Wonder's daddy has come, now, Wonder is happy. Are there people reading me now that people are already asking you ' When is your Daddy (God) coming for you over this your situation you are passing through?' May be you have been telling them, my Daddy (God) is coming to heal me, He is coming to make me fruitful. He is coming to change my story. He is coming to give me my own spouse. He is coming to bless my business and remove this limitation from my life. My Daddy is coming to bring me out of this tight corner. Friend, has it started looking as if your are just boasting about a Daddy (God) that is no where to be found ? Are your friends, family members , in-laws, neighbours already calling you ' a liar'? Are you loosing hope already over that situation and you are thinking, am I sure my Daddy is going to come? May be as a result of the insult, jesting, mocking you are getting from your ' class mates' your eyes are already full of tears day and night. You wet your pillow with tears. May be you even cried today before seeing this post. Cheer up my dear friend, your Daddy (God) is 'driving' into your 'school compound' now and when He steps down from His 'car' into your 'class' (situation) every one and anything that have been mocking you and asking you ' Where is your Daddy?' shall all give your Daddy (God) a standing and a bowing ovation to acknowledge that, surely 'Your Daddy has come!' and your secret tears shall be replaced with a public smile and laughter. Hold on oh dear wearied soul. I say to you friend, your Daddy (God) is coming! It might look as if it is getting late, but be encouraged. Keep telling your 'class' mates ' My Daddy is coming! It might look late, but my Daddy (God) is coming to bless, heal, favour, lift, help, and prosper me! I believe this will minister encouragement to someone here. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Watch out for our magazine launch.......

Rachael Palm Magazine: We have wonderful team that are working tirelessly to make sure you have a exciting and educating publication every quarter..... Watch out for the date..... Watch for the ticket..... Watch out for the venue.... The magazine launch is going to be the best with your popular and exciting personalities on ground to educate you on how to be a successful entrepreneur like them... Contact us for more info, sponsorship and partnership: Rachael: 0817 609 9749 Austine: 0803 816 4346 Talatu: +234 703 597 5555 Dora: 0806 468 7145 Meet the magazine team, to mention but few: Adewunmi Rachael Adefalu-Imogu - Editor In Chief/CEO Austine Imogu - Editor In Chief/CMO Talatu Bwai - Executive Editor Angeleyes Steven - Secretary Nwadi Dora - PA to Editor In Chief Charles Ifenso - Advertising Sales Director (Northern and South) Ayomide Olubunmi Aderibigbe - Advertising Sales Director(East and West) Grace Adeniji -Advertising Sales Director(East and West)