Wednesday 20 June 2012


There was a brother who lived a reckless life. his mother was always crying because of his way of life she cried and prayed everyday asking God to save and change her little boy that the father left for her alone to take care when he was just 5years...................Deniis dropped out of school when he was just 17 years he never finished his secondary school he was known all around as a notorious boy who steals, rapes and abuses everyone and anyone that comes accross him, until one day he came back after leaving the house for 4 days to meet his mother dead.

Hmmnnnn.............he cried and cried all to no avail all the family has deserted them due to his useless behavior, he ran to his mothers church and informed them, they all came weeping, took up the dead body and prepared for the burial. they never recieved help from the family.

Something great happened to the boy one day exactly 15 days after his mothers death, he knelt down to God asking for delivearnce, healing and forgiveness of sins. He remembered how he has turned a deaf ear to all his mothers wise sayings. he shouted, screamed and cried aloud OH GOD PLEASE FORGIVE ME ALL MY SINS COME INTO MY LIFE AND MAKE ME A NEW BEING. He changed his friends and stareted going to church. he became an evangelist for Christ but things where really tough for him, he couldn't get a job because he was totally a dull head and his past deeds kept knocking at his door. 4 years after he became so frustrated because things were really hard for him, he needed a wife, money and job but the reverse was his case. in his heart he thought ''GOD WHY HAVE FORSAKEN ME AND MADE LIFE SO UNBEAREABLE FOR ME YOU HOW I USE TO GET MONEY IN THE WORLD BEFORE I GAVE MY LIFE TO I THOUGHT YOU SAID IN YOUR WORD THAT SEEK YE FIRST THE KNIGDOM OF GOD AND OTHER THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU SO WHERE ARE MY ADDITIONS NOW WHERE I HAVE EVANGELIZED ROUND TOWN NOT MINDING THE MOLESTATION AND CRITICISMS I RECEIVE FROM FAMILY, FRIENDS AND PASSERBY'' WELL I AM TURNIING BACK NOW I CANNNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I AM GOING BACK TO MY OLD LIFE''

Haaaa...............what a pity!!!! He went back to his old life brothers and sisters from the church came to minister to him again to hold on to his faith that all will soon pass away that it is just a test of our faith..........he cried and prayed with them but after they left he started his old life again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unknowing to him they were already working up a job for him that will be paying him 170,000 naira per month for the start.
Lo and behold just the night they came to give him his appointment letter he went for an operation with his friends to rub a rich man...................hmmmnnnn he never returned he died from the gun shots of the police men others were arrested and jailed for further judgment.

My brothers and sisters what exactly are you going through and you think God does not understand. What particular situation have you prayed and fasted on and thought God is not ready to answer. Are you frustrated from unemployment, lack of money,love, joy or are you over 35 and yet no man or woman has ever called you. please NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is never too late or too early He does his things just at he right time pls keep your faith because HIS EARS ARE NOT DEAF THAT HE CANNOT HE YOU NEITHER ARE HIS EYES BLIND THAT HE CANNOT SEE WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH. HE NEVER SLEEPS NOR SLUMBERS HE WATCHES OVER US ALL and you know what He feels your pains all he wants is youur total submission. 
Why don't you switch over to Praise right now and you will see HIM MOVE MIGHTILY ON YOUR BEHALF. HOLD ON NEVER GIVE UP YOUR PRAYERS HAS ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED.

N.B: True life story.

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