Sunday 29 October 2017


It was midterm 'open day in my children's school. My first born told me after the family devotion ' Daddy,please come to my school by 10a.m. My friends said their dad or mum are coming and I told them; my daddy too is coming' I was about stepping out of the office some minutes to 10a.m to go for the open-day excerise when I saw a man and his wife coming for counselling. It was a serious issues that needed my attention. Before I could finish with them, it took few hours. Meanwhile, over there in my son's class, his friends were already making jest of him ' Wonder, you said your dad is coming, where is your dad? He kept telling them, ' my dad will come. He told me he is coming and I know he will come. He might come late, but he will come' Other children in the class that their parents had come for their own open day excerise were bragging and mocking my son that his daddy is not coming and that he is just lying. It got to a time, my son was loosing hope, it was getting really late and school closing time was getting nearer. The jesting continued. It got to a time, he was looking like a liar. He was trying to be brave and fighting his tears from falling. I finished all the counselling and I drove to their school. As I stepped out of the car, my son saw me from afar and he started jubilating, saying with excitement, ' my daddy is here! I told all of you that he might come late, but he will come!, My daddy is here...' As I entered into the class, the whole class gave me the usual class welcoming greeting. I noticed my son's eyes was looking dull and bright at the same time..I asked him if he was crying. It was then his class teacher told me all the drama that happened between him and his friends. I heard some of his friends saying, Wonder's daddy has come, now, Wonder is happy. Are there people reading me now that people are already asking you ' When is your Daddy (God) coming for you over this your situation you are passing through?' May be you have been telling them, my Daddy (God) is coming to heal me, He is coming to make me fruitful. He is coming to change my story. He is coming to give me my own spouse. He is coming to bless my business and remove this limitation from my life. My Daddy is coming to bring me out of this tight corner. Friend, has it started looking as if your are just boasting about a Daddy (God) that is no where to be found ? Are your friends, family members , in-laws, neighbours already calling you ' a liar'? Are you loosing hope already over that situation and you are thinking, am I sure my Daddy is going to come? May be as a result of the insult, jesting, mocking you are getting from your ' class mates' your eyes are already full of tears day and night. You wet your pillow with tears. May be you even cried today before seeing this post. Cheer up my dear friend, your Daddy (God) is 'driving' into your 'school compound' now and when He steps down from His 'car' into your 'class' (situation) every one and anything that have been mocking you and asking you ' Where is your Daddy?' shall all give your Daddy (God) a standing and a bowing ovation to acknowledge that, surely 'Your Daddy has come!' and your secret tears shall be replaced with a public smile and laughter. Hold on oh dear wearied soul. I say to you friend, your Daddy (God) is coming! It might look as if it is getting late, but be encouraged. Keep telling your 'class' mates ' My Daddy is coming! It might look late, but my Daddy (God) is coming to bless, heal, favour, lift, help, and prosper me! I believe this will minister encouragement to someone here. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Watch out for our magazine launch.......

Rachael Palm Magazine: We have wonderful team that are working tirelessly to make sure you have a exciting and educating publication every quarter..... Watch out for the date..... Watch for the ticket..... Watch out for the venue.... The magazine launch is going to be the best with your popular and exciting personalities on ground to educate you on how to be a successful entrepreneur like them... Contact us for more info, sponsorship and partnership: Rachael: 0817 609 9749 Austine: 0803 816 4346 Talatu: +234 703 597 5555 Dora: 0806 468 7145 Meet the magazine team, to mention but few: Adewunmi Rachael Adefalu-Imogu - Editor In Chief/CEO Austine Imogu - Editor In Chief/CMO Talatu Bwai - Executive Editor Angeleyes Steven - Secretary Nwadi Dora - PA to Editor In Chief Charles Ifenso - Advertising Sales Director (Northern and South) Ayomide Olubunmi Aderibigbe - Advertising Sales Director(East and West) Grace Adeniji -Advertising Sales Director(East and West)

Monday 18 September 2017


Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of chicken from Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (Fibromelanosis), making the chicken entirely black; including feathers, beak, and internal organs. Ayam means "chicken" in Bahasa Indonesia. Cemani refers to the village on the island of Java whence this breed of chicken originates. The breed originated from the island of Java, Indonesia and have probably been used for centuries for religious and mystical purpose. The breed was first described by Dutch colonial settler and first imported to Europe in 1998 by Dutch breeder Jan Steverink. Currently, these breed of chicken are kept in the Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It is thought that Ayam Cemani may have also been brought to Europe by Dutch seamen. Their beak and tongue, black comb and wattles; even their meat, bones and organs appear black. The blood of the Ayam Cemani is normally colored.The birds' black color occurs as a result of excess pigmentation of the tissues, caused by a genetic condition known as fibromelanosis.This gene is also found in some other black fowl breeds.The roosters weigh 2–2.5 kg and the hens from 1.5–2 kg. The hens lay cream-colored eggs with a slight pink tint, although they are poor setters and rarely hatch their own brood. Eggs weigh an average of 45g. Ayam Cemani get their black coloring from a generic trait known as ‘fibromelanosis’, that promotes the proliferation of black pigment cells. The gene that causes fibromelanosis is a mutation that existed in Asia more than 800 years ago. The mutation made its way to other chicken variety, such as the Swedish Black Hen, or Svart Hona, which has the same fibromelanistic traits as the Ayam Cemani, and hence, as black as the Indonesian breed. In Asia, Ayam Cemani are highly regarded because their meat is believed to have mystical powers. Their meat is thought to be higher in Iron, therefore beneficial to women before and after childbirth. Birds are sometimes sacrificed during childbirth believing fortune will come to the labouring mother. The chicken is also sacrificed on other special occasions, as it is thought to bring luck. Some Asian people believe that eating this chicken will ease their conscience, and their crowing brings prosperity. The chicken lays cream-colored eggs – the only part of Ayam Cemani that is not black. However, being poor sitters, they don’t roost and therefore the only way to hatch eggs is to incubate. Wowwwww, our God is so great........ do you want to have a taste of this rare chicken then why don't you go to the market and have the sweet taste of total blackness....... Hahahaha.......

Thursday 7 September 2017

Just Me

When I think about the goodness of the Lord I just feel like praising him over and over again.
The devil can't take away my joy, no no never. I will be joyful be thankful be grateful no matter what comes my way. My trials time is my grooming time. Grooming me into more maturity, grooming me into that great powerful and intelligent woman that I've craved to be.
Grooming me into a pacesetter, grooming me into a trailblazer, grooming mW into a pathfinder, grooming mW into an influencer, grooming mW into a virtuous woman, grooming mW into a mentor, grooming me into a lovely caring mother, wife, sister, aunt, daughter, friend and selfless lady

Wednesday 6 September 2017


Day 4: Inspiring fashion designer Stylists are the ones who are entrusted to make their clients some of the best dressed and most talked about celebrities. However, most stylists work behind-the-scenes and out of the limelight, so we never hear about them. We therefore want to make you familiar with the people that bring all the beautiful spreads in fashion magazines, runway and of course celebrity looks! However, please know that this list is in no way numbered by hierarchy. Just learn from them and inspire yourself to make it as an entrepreneur. 1. Lisa Folawiyo Lisa Folawiyo is a self-made Nigerian fashion designer who is famous for the way she creatively fuses traditional West African fabrics with modern tailoring techniques. She is known for her label, Jewel by Lisa, which she launched in 2005, and has since grown to become a global fashion brand with showrooms in New York and Nigeria. Folawiyo uses Ankara, a traditional West African fabric, to create captivating and luxurious custom prints. She has her own fabric line that also produces accessories such as jewelry and purses. Line J Label, her diffusion line, showcases the best of Nigerian culture by incorporating Afropop with tasteful urban designs. Some of her celebrity fans include Beyonce, Kelis,Tasha Smith, and Eve. Aside from Nigeria, her collections have been showcased in the UK, US, and South Africa. She has participated in New York Fashion Week 2010 and Paris Fashion Week 2010. Some of her career achievements include winner of the African Fashion Award in 2012, and she was featured in Vogue Italia in 2012. In 2014, Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) named Folawiyo among the eight emerging talents. In 2015, BOF500, a prestigious list of international brands, featured the designer among top fashion brands making an impact on the global scene. Lisa Folawiyo studied Law at the University of Nigeria, but decided to pursue her love of fashion. She admits her style is simplistic but innovative, and she also loves to play around with colors and mix prints. International media houses such as, Gotham, and Women’s Wear Daily have reviewed her. 2. Zizi Cardow Zizi Cardow has been instrumental in successfully showcasing the Nigerian fabric and culture on a global level. She launched her label, Zizi, which has seen her profile expand proudly, letting the world know how unique and elegant the Nigerian fabric is. She is credited with promoting the Ankara fabric, which has earned it global fame as the fabric is now being worn to red carpet events around the world. When she was young, Cardow hoped to become a forensic profiler, but after landing her first fashion job at only 17 in an Italian-owned boutique ignited her interest in fashion. Being a popular African fashion ambassador, her success has seen her designs featured in many international catwalk events in Cape Town, Milan, Paris, the USA, and other destinations worldwide. Her global revolution for the African fabric to be appreciated internationally has earned numerous awards, with the list being long and continuing to grow. In 2001, after only one year in the fashion industry, she bagged the Prestigious Designer of the Year Award at the Nigerian Fashion Show. With this award to her name, the world noticed her work, and her work was showcased on a global platform. In 2002, other awards knocked at her door. The DAME Award recognized her for her outstanding achievement in fashion, and also winning the St. Moritz Style Selection Award and Nigerian Women Awards. From 2002, she kept winning numerous awards successively year after year, raising her profile in the industry. Some of the other major accolades Cardow has achieved include the 2010 UN Peace Ambassador, 2010 Global Leadership Award, 2010 Young Achievers Award, 2010 Fashion and Style Award, 2010 Merit Award for African Heritage, 2009 Zenith Award for Excellence, and 2007 African Role Model Leadership Award, as well as many others. Her client base is vast, consisting of famous political figures and celebrities. She has also been featured by top international media houses such as CNN, SABC, Channel O, and FTV. Zizi Cardow has given back to society through numerous mentorship programs, which have, in turn, earned her awards. 3. Lola Faturoti Lola Faturoti is a Nigerian-born, New York-based fashion designer with extensive experience and renowned international repute. Faturoti, who hails from Ondo State, went on to school in London before moving to New York in the early 1990s. Her fashion journey began from childhood when she helped her grandmother, who was also a fashion designer. “I got interested in fashion because my grandmother was a designer. She designed Nigerian traditional clothes. That was my first introduction to fashion, which I hated because I wanted to be out playing instead of picking out seams!” Her inspiration is mainly drawn from her roots, and Faturoti rose to fame in New York when she made a dress to celebrate Barack Obama’s election as President of the United States. The dress had these bold Yoruba words, “Oluwa gba President Barack Obama,” which means, “God Bless President Barack Obama.” She confirms that her mother played a major role in defining her personal style. “My mom travelled a lot to London and New York. She bought me a lot of clothes, so I began to dress differently. I think that was the first introduction to me wanting to be different through clothing,” says Faturoti. While in New York, she was employed in the Charivari Boutique where president of the company, Barbara Weiser, noticed her potential and passion for unique fashion and helped her launch her first fashion collection. Her passion for African fashion is profound. “Everything begins for me with the print and fabric, which usually has some shine,” exclaims Faturoti. Her deep African roots, as well as extensive global experience with having lived and worked in New York and Milan have been instrumental in her success and international spotlight. 4. Deola Sagoe Deola Sagoe is a renowned Nigerian fashion designer, entrepreneur and founder of The House of Deola Sagoe. Her unique approach of designing lively and colorful prints has earned her a global following including notable personalities such as Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith, who have recognized her for her celebration of African prints. Having launched her career in 1989, Sagoe has a Masters Degree in Finance and Management and has studied at both University of Lagos and University of Miami. She is a woman with many layers and this is reflected in her multilayered designs. Her signature designs, Attitude and Elegance, draw their inspiration from fabrics with a traditional Nigerian touch and western aesthetics. She designed the label, Odua, for her mom, who played a major role in popularizing her in the industry. Her recent works include hand-dyed Adire fabric, which is made by Yoruba women. Her reputation spans beyond the African continent, earning her fame and respect. Aside from showcasing her couture collection at Cape Town and New York Fashion Weeks, Deola won the MNET/Anglo Gold African Designs 2000 Award. United Nations World Food Program appointed her Nigeria’s ambassador to the program, “Catwalk the World: Fashion for Food.” This was aimed at raising funds to reduce, by half, the number of starving people in the world, especially children by 2015. Her three daughters, Teni, Tiwa, and Aba Sagoe, have taken after their mother and are owners of the popular CLAN fashion label. Sagoe believes the African fashion industry has come a long way and there’s still plenty of room for growth “Just in Africa, there is a huge market, without even going to Europe… and the US, there is a huge market there,” Sagoe states. 5. Toyin Lawani Toyin Lawani runs Tiannah’s Place Empire as the Creative Director and CEO. This Fashion stylist cum designer is an experienced as taken her TiannahStyling outfit to another level as she has styled a number of celebrities within Nigeria including Wizkid, Banky W, Niyola, Tiwa Savage, Don Jazzy, Dr Sid, Wande Coal, D’Prince, Davido, Terry G, Mercy Johnson, Eldee, Emma Nyra, Juliet Ibrahim, TY Bello, Toni Tones, Waje, Stephanie Okereke Linus, G-Lory, Sean Tizzle, May D, Funke Akindele, Lami Philips, Samklef, Tee Blaq, Dammy Krane, Pasuma, Oreka Goddis, Toke Makinwa, Layole Oyatogun, Susan Peters, Jimmie of Beat FM, Yvonne Vixen Ekwere, Tipsy, Morrel, Tonto Dikeh, Seyi Shay, Mo’chedda, Vector, Sharon Ojong, LAX, Yinka Davies, Jackie Appiah, Nse Ikpe, Yvonne Nelson, Ini Edoand many others. Internationally, Ms Lawani has designed outfits for Hollywood celebrities including Singer Kelly Roland from Destiny’s Child, Bria Myles, Jennifer Richardson, and Natalie Nunn. She has also worked on a vast number of top Magazine Editorials. Ms Toyin Lawani has also Creatively Directed and Coordinated the Mademoiselle Aglaia Fashion Show 2012 and the Fab Magazine 2012 Awards both in Lagos, Nigeria. Working on a video shoot? Ms Lawani is your girl!

Tuesday 5 September 2017


Day 3: KENNEDY PHILIP OBUMENME Kennedy Philips Obumenme is a stylist who works with Nigerian artistes and celebrities to give them an awesome look in their videos, photoshoots and many more. KenEposiode1 is no novice when it comes to the fashion and styling in Nigeria and has paved way for himself massively to be at the zenith of his carreer
in the Nigerian entertainment industry as a whole. Kennedy Phillip Obumenme a.k.a KenEpisode1 was born and raised in Jos Plateau State but a native of Anambra state. He has been in the entertainment industry since 2013 till date. Kennedy is a celebrity stylist that does all sort of styling like urban, natives, cooperate, etc. Due to his determination, passion for fashion, uniqueness, consistency and faith in God Almighty he has been able to work with so many artists in the music industry. To mention but few are Phyno, Tekno, Charass, selebobo, Tuface, Timaya, Psquare, olamide, KissDaniel, Iceprince, Flavour, Skuki, Iyanya, Solidstar, Sarkodie, Orezi, Zoro , Reminise, MI, Korede Bello, Rekado Banks, Awilo, Addiction Twins, Endia, Blackah, Dj Jimmy Jatt, Skales, YungL, DJ Kwise, DJ Cublon, Dj Neptune, HarrySong Edgar, SoJay, Tidinz, Erigga, and a whole lot more. He has styled lots of videos ranging from A-list to upcoming such as Financial woman by Phyno, woju by KissDaniel, Pana, Duro, Dance, Wash, Rara, Yawa, Where and Holiday By Tekno, Panya by Bracket, pass de agbara by Skuki, Wakawaka by Selebobo, Link up by KidoBlanko, Godwin by Korede Bello, wait by Solid star. Gbege, Coco butter, I don see By Charass.
In an interview conducted with him sometimes ago, here is what he has to say: "I choose fashion cause of the passion I have for it, and since we all know everyone in this century is all about fashion so I felt it is the best way to express what I feel. Lots of projects will come up of cause we all know its one step at a time, but for now we {KEN EPISODE1 BRAND} are working on something very big and we know it will wow the industry. In the Nigerian industry I must say we have gone far compared to what I saw my parents wearing in the olden days all in the name of fashion, in Nigeria we are way ahead in fashion and I’m so happy for that. He further disclosed that as a child he used to look up to lots of stylist but as at now Ugo Mozie is someone he appreciate so much and he is his mentor. Moreso, he said: "My family is my inspiration, when I look at how far I have gone in life I always go on my knees to thank God. My biggest achievement in life is being able to create the brand (KEN EPISODE1) being able to manage the brand and also able to develop the brand. Styling is very important because we (stylist) decode trends, also supply photographers with images, we interplay with designers and also write histories be it on the red carpet or black carpet. In 5 years time I see my time growing technologically to where I can meet up with the trends of fashion of that period oftimause I know with time the brand (KEN EPISODE1) will go international. We expect more styles, more amazing apperance from our favorite artists that he will be working with. You can follow him on: *Twitter: @kenepisode1 *Instagram: @kenepisode1 *Facebook : Kennedy Phillip

Monday 4 September 2017


Day 2:2face Idibia STORY HIGHLIGHTS 2face is unarguably the most successful contemporary Nigerian music act. He celebrated his 41st birthday on September 18, here arehighlights of his life and career. 1. 2face was born in a hospital in Rayfield, Jos, Plateau state on September 18, 1975. 2. He has three other brothers: Steven, Hyacinth (former member of music group, Natives) and Charles. 3. Music came to him naturally. He was never in a choir, he just discovered he could sing. His family attended a Catholic church back in Jos. 4. He grew up in Jos and his native Benue and constantly moved around as a kid because of the nature of his father’s job. 5. At the age of four, 2face moved to the US where his dad was studying with his family. He was there for three years and returned home in 1982 at the age of seven. 6. In 1992, 2face made his first visit to Africa’s entertainment capital Lagos and was inspired to one day return to rock the city. 7. 2face obtained his OND in Business Administration at the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu in 1997. 8. After concluding his OND, he teamed up with Blackface, who had also completed his education from the same school. The duo performed and attended different gigs around campus. 9. After his OND, 2face decided to do music full time but this was frowned at by his parents who persuaded him to complete his HND. They eventually gave their support when he remained adamant. 10. Later in 1997, 2face and Blackface started the group Plantashun Boiz and eventually moved to Lagos where they lived in Blackface’s uncle’s house in Festac. 11. The duo met Faze in Festac and initially planned featuring him in their debut album. However after a few recordings, they discovered that they all had a powerful synergy which could work out as a group. This was how Faze joined 2face and Blackface in Plantashun Boiz. 12. The first professional pay they earned as a group was N10,000 when they performed at the Rothmans Groove which was gotten through the help of veteran event planner, Eddi. e Lawani. They went on to perform at 31 shows for Rothmans and eventually got paid N310,000. 13. The group was signed to Nelson Brown’s Dove Records under whom they released their albums. 14. They dropped their first album, Body and Soul in 2000 and it was a commercial success. The album contained popular songs like ‘You and I’, ‘Knock Me Off’ and ‘Cousin’s Cousin’. 15. Their sophomore album Sold Outwas released in 2003 and was also produced by Nelson Brown. 16. In 2004, 2face left Plantashun Boiz to begin a solo career. He got signed to Kennis Music where he dropped his solo debut single, ‘Nfana Nbaga’. 17. His debut album, Face 2 Face sold over two million copies. It had songs like ‘Ole’ (whose video was the first video aired on MTV Base), ‘Right Here’ and the internationally acclaimed ‘African Queen’. 18. 2face was featured in Wyclef’s ‘Proud to be African’ in 2004. The single also had Faze and Sound Sultan and was one of the songs which was released in Wyclef’s 5th studio album,Welcome to Haiti: Creole 101. 19. In 2005, he won the MTV Europe Music Award for Best African act. 20. In 2006, his love influenced track, ‘African Queen’ was included in the sound track of Hollywood movie, Phat Girls which stared Monique and Jimmy Jean-Louise. 21. He dropped his second album, Grass to Grace in 2006 and it was also a commercial success. The album sold over a million copies in its first week of release. 22. He emerged the first Nigerian act to win MOBO awards in 2007 defeating D’banj and other top African music acts. 23. 2face reunited with his former group Plantashun Boiz in 2007 and they released another album, Plan B which is the last musical project they worked on as a group. 24. 2face left Kennis Music in 2007 and started his own outfit, Hypertek Entertainment teaming up with Efe Omorogbe’s Now Music. 25. He released his 3rd album, Unstoppable in 2008 with tracks like ‘Enter The Place’, ‘Excuse me Sister’ and ‘Flex’ which featured RnB singer, R. Kelly. 26. 2face became a NAFDAC ambassador in 2009 and released the conscious song, ‘Man Unkind’ which spoke about the ills of fake drugs. 27. 2face teamed up with R Kelly, Ali Kiba, Prince Lee and four others in 2010 to record the song, ‘Hands Across the World’, a Sony sponsored project which seeks to alleviate poverty in Africa. 28. In 2010, he repackaged theUnstoppable album and had an international release. The album had some songs from his third record as well as new songs. 29. 2face is the first Nigerian act to sell an album for a retail price of N1,000. 30. On March 23, 2013, 2face married his long-time girlfriend, Annie Macaulay in an exquisite ceremony in Dubai. 31. His 5th album, Away and Beyonddropped in 2012 with songs like ‘Spiritual Healing’ and ‘Rainbow’. 32. In January 2012, 2face signed Dammy Krane to his Hypertek imprint. 33. He also signed veteran musician, Sir Victor Uwaifo in November, 2013. 34. In his over 10 year solo career, 2face has won numerous awards including five Headies, four MAMAs, four Channel O Music Video Awards, one Kora and one BET awards. 35. 2face has survived several armed robbery attacks including one in 2007 when he was shot in his left leg. 36. In 2013, 2face was awarded with the prestigious NET HONOURS for his contribution to the Nigerian music industry 37. 2face has seven kids with three different women. Three from Pero Adeniyi, two from Sumbo Ajaba and two with his wife, Annie Macaulay. 38. In 2014, 2face starred in Ivie Ikujaye’s musical film, Make a Move. 2face played the role of a dance show judge alongside Denrele Edun and Omawumi. 39. In 2015, the only book on the life and times of 2face Idibia, A Very Good Bad Guy, was published. 40. In June 2015, 2face was unveiled as an Airtel ambassador alongside, Patoranking, Phyno, Bovi and Ik Osakioduwa. 41. He was decorated with NET Honours at the debut edition of Nigerian Entertainment Conference on April 26, 2013. 42. 2face Idibia’s biography, A Very Good Bad Guy, by NET Books (TheNETng) was launched on October 20, 2015 43. In April 2016, he was made a Campari ambassador at the 4th annual Nigerian Entertainment Conference. 44. In May 2016, 2baba received a honorary degree from Igbinedion University courtesy of the Esama of Benin Kingdom and founder of the university, Gabriel Igbinedion. 45. In June 2016, a street was named after the musician in Lagos by Haven Homes. Innocent Idibia Street can now be found inside Richmond Estates in Lekki, Lagos. 46. He became Youth Ambassador for the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) in August 2016o

Saturday 2 September 2017


KOREDE BELLO I'm so happy to be back here after a 2years break, focusing and fixing some personal issues while working on the paper as aspect of our Fashion house. Well for the whole of September we will be talking of the biography and personality profile of some Nigerians who has impacted our beloved country Nigeria and everyone around them positively. People who dared to make it in life despite all hurdles!! People who never allowed the circumstances around them to pull them down!!!! Yesss....lets start it....I hope you will enjoy yourself as we go on and bet inspired to achieve your dreams with God by your side. We have prepared the biography of a talented and beloved Nigerian artist. My boys mentor, my husbands dear brother and a loving uncle to my children "Korede Bello". An hardworking, determined and goal getter. He just doesn't dream but he prays, believes and works towards the achievement of his dreams. Korede Bello was born on the 29th of February in 1996 in Lagos. This was also where he had his primary ans secondary education. His first performance was when he was 7 years old. At the time, he was performing under the name African Prince. He once said that his parents were the ones who inspired him to make music. He used to listen to the songs which they were playing. His father liked traditional music, while Korede’s mother preferred foreign tunes. While in primary school, Korede Bello decided to form a group with one of his friends. He was very active at school. He used to dance, take part in various singing competitions and represented his school in music-related contests. His professional music career has started quite early. When he was in secondary school, he started recording songs. Later he managed to release his first song “Forever”. Korede Bello’s father helped him a lot. He gave him money to pay for his first recording studio session and bought him his first guitar. Korede Bello’s parents showed much support and love to their son and his music. His active music career didn’t interfere with his education. He spent nights in the studio, recording new music, and by day he was preparing for school examinations. He went on to study Mass Communications in university. After he released his first song “Forever”, he got acquainted with Don Jazzy. Casmir Uwaegbute, who was his manager, introduced young Korede to him. Don Jazzy was very impressed by Korede Bello's talent. Korede was invited to his studio where they recorded songs together. In one of his interviews, Korede admitted that Don Jazzy is one of the greatest musicians. He said he really enjoyed the experience he had. In 2014, on the 28 of February, he signed a contract with Mavins Records. With this label he recorded two of his most popular songs - “African Princess” featuring Don Jazzy and “Godwin”. His popularity got even bigger when he was featured in the Mavins song “Dorobucci” together with Don Jazzy, Dr SID, Tiwa Savage, Di'Ja, Reekado Banks and D'Prince. This video has more than 24 million views and everyone is buzzing about his wink in this video clip which has made him even more famous. In 2015 Korede released a new song called “Godwin” which is a mix of gospel and pop genres. This song immediately hit the top positions of the music charts in Nigeria. Korede Bello signed a contract with the telecom company GLO in 2015 and has become their official ambassador. He then went on to record his first studio album called “Belloved” and has recorded many singles, among which are such songs as “Cold Outside”, “Romantic”, and "Do Like That." He won 5 awards out of 10 nominations. Here is a list of all the nominations and his wins: 1. in 2014 he was nominated for Most Promising Music Act To Watch at Nigeria Teen Choice Awards 2014 and he won 2. in 2015 he was nominated for three awards: two nominations at Nigeria Entertainment Awards in 2015 for Hottest Single of The Year and Best New Act and one nomination for Best Song of the Year, which he won at the 4th Annual Golden Icons Academy Movie Awards 3. was nominated for three nominations (Best Pop Single, Song of The Year and Next Rated) at The Headies in 2015 and won Best Pop Single nomination 4. in 2016 Korede Bello was nominated for Pop Artiste of the Year at City People Entertainment Awards, Best Collaboration at Nigeria Entertainment Awards and Best Contemporary Afro Video at 9th Nigeria Music Video Awards. He won Pop Artiste of the Year and Best Contemporary Afro Video nominations. Korede Bello is a good example of a young and hardworking person. He strives to make this world better and to teach people to love and be happy. He is a role model for millions of young people who love his music. We hope to hear more beautiful songs from him. Enjoy Korede Bello music and be blessed!