Thursday 31 January 2013

Beware Of Competition!

: It saps people of energy.
: It robs people of fulfillment.
: It destroys vision
: It makes you subservient
: It can take you far away from divine plan.
: It generates envy, hatred and bitterness.
: it arouses pride.
: It turns destiny into mockery.
: It genders a lifestyle of falsehood.
: Ultimately, it leads to destruction.
: It abhors grace because grace works for a man only in the area of his
calling. Competitions turns people out of the race.
: Only fools engage in competition. Don't be a part of it.
: Focus on your assignment. Enjoy life as God gave it to you.
: seek the well being of others an extend good will to all. But face your assignment.

Mind Your Company!

No destiny is built in isolation. Yet no destiny can be built in a wrong atmosphere. Destiny, if not planted in a right company will be choked.You can survive and be fruitful only when you have located your glorious destiny in a glorious company.

Truly, the company you keep largely determines the accomplishment you make.While you may not be able to determine or chose who you meet with in the journey of life you owe yourself the duty to choose who you company with.

Open your eyes and intelligently use biblical parameters to choose who you relate with.

The impact of the company we keep, on our mental state and our actions, is tremendous. Even a person with all positive attributes may end up pursuing undesirable activity because of bad company. Howsoever mentally strong he may be there could be moments when the influence of those he moves around with may become unavoidable.
I pray for God's guidance that will lead you into a regret free relationship.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Expertise And Excellence!

The place of developing your expertise as a youth cannot be over emphasized.

Excellence breads from expertise.

Expertise is a form of specific (special) knowledge in a specific field of life.

You can't use general knowledge to access special result and attain height of excellence.

General knowledge is easy to come by. But expertise is acquired.

General knowledge gives you access into mere information.

Expertise results through a series of training ? major and subsidiary trainings; long and short terms.

Experts are made under experts.

Expertise is endless as long as training is endless.

Expertise cannot be assumed.

Men live as mediocre because they fail to crave for expertise.

Wherever expertise is introduced, excellence is about to be born.

Expertise is required wherever excellence is desired.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Stop The Limits!

There is no limit anywhere except as it originates from the mind.

No one ever grow beyond the growth of his mind.
It is the limit of the mind that sets limit on your life.
If you can't think it, you'll never become it.
You can never be spiritually matured except you have a sound mind.
Free your mind to think and you'll supply your destiny with wings to fly.

- Think DEEP

- Think WIDE

- Think LONG

- Think WILD

Thinking possibility is the only way to guarantee your access to your possessions.
The deeper you think, the higher you fly.
Why limit your destiny anymore? Free your mind to think

Here are seven things you can do to push past your limits.

1. Find someone to help push you
Just that little bit of support encouraging you to keep going in the face of resistance can mean so much. Having someone on your side can counter-balance any negative thinking you might have. They can tell you to do more and push you into doing things outside of your comfort zone. I can,t forget people God used tp push me really hard number 1 person is JC Raphael Duru and JC Senator Uche Duru, these 2 people pushed me really hard but you know what i thought they hated me little did i know that they were trying to push me out of my comfort zones. the next person was my Bishop, Bishop Oyedepo and Bishop Abioye with their motivational talks and spiritual talk i had no choice than to push beyond my limits infact their prayers worked in breaking every spiritual barriers. that is why we constantly need to be prayerful, pray without ceasing. the next people are my lovely parents especially my dad, i thank God for them. why should i forget to mention Mr Begha Christopher who was constantly pushing me. I tell you my dear friends you need someone to help push you because you cannot do it all alone.

2. Take on a little more than you think you can
Pushing past your limits means taking on newer, progressively harder challenges. If you’re not challenging yourself to do bigger and better things on a regular basis, you’re only working within the confines of what you already can do. That’s a sure-fire way to stay exactly where you are and make little to no progress.

3. Imagine reaching your next level
Working on your dreams or goals can take a lot of focus. Where you put that focus matters a lot. You might know where you are and where you were, but do you know where you need to go? Imagine that next level for reaching your dreams and take steps to get there.

4. Look at how others reached where you want to go
Whatever your goals are, there are probably others who have had them and succeeded in reaching them. Look to them for clues on what they did to push past their limits on their way to success. You’ll probably find a lot of great information from examining the path they took.

5. Inspire yourself to action
Find something that inspires you to reach your goals. Whether it is a video, quote or thought that inspires you to succeed, it should be something that fills you with passion and drive to get things done. Inspiration can be a powerful motivational tool.

6. Don’t stop until exhaustion
I’ve been known to push myself so hard that I reach exhaustion. Each time I work out, I try to lift with more weight. I’ve worked tirelessly to be an entrepreneur by creating my own fashion line, blogsite, website and foundation after i lost my job a year and a half ago but i tell u  these tasks exhausted me, but they were completely necessary for me to reach my goals and i thank God today for His strength because i was able to push beyond my limits.

7. Work on your weaknesses
Where there are weaknesses, there are limits. Think about a marathon runner. They won’t be able to train very well for a marathon if they can’t find a good running stride or have bad nutrition. These are big areas of weakness that just makes training harder. Without correction, your weaknesses will limit how far you can take yourself.

Thank you and God bless us all.

Monday 28 January 2013



‘People make an opinion about you in the first 7 minutes they meet you’

The word branding in this situation needs more emphasis to be laid on it, what do you carry about as your name, sex, member of an organization and what you have? Branding is just not for companies, Nollywood celebrities, politicians or highly paid athletes. People in all works of life are starting to use self-branding to get ahead in the game of life. The simple factor that often explains the difference between a professional who is competent and doing well and one who earns a significant income and generates lots of business is self-branding, branding the product – you.

Branding the product – you (self – branding) is a strong personal identity based on a clear perception about what you stand for, what sets you apart from others and the added value you bring to a job; the situation of achieving your vision. Your self-brand is the sum total of other peoples’ feelings about your attributes and capacities, how you perform, even their perceptions about what you are worth.
for more of this please follow JC TEMITAYO TELLA on his google+ page'' TEMITAYO TELLA'' 


A dear friend once told me ''Rachael opportunities comes once in life. if you miss this you can't get it again''. I smiled and replied Him  ''well i know this is an opportunity for me but i am not yet ready for it because my time for it has not yet come i still have some things to settle after which would bring more beautiful sweat-less opportunities God's timing is the best, unless, that opportunity would turn into a total waste of time''. i must confess with you that i never knew i was storing up my lost opportunities because after i finished up with what i told him i was doing, God started showering me with greater aand bigger opportunities. 
Sometimes, opportunity is deceptive, never be trapped by it. Not all opportunities are divine. Some are graves in disguise.
Stay within divine plan  that is where your security is.
Whatever opportunity offers is inferior to divine plan.
Rather than responding to opportunity be in search of divine plan and abide in the same.

Stay away from anything and everything that isn't in divine plan.
Stay away from it otherwise it can take you away from your place in destiny.
You need to possess a strong perception and discernment to know what comes from God and what is sent by satan.


You cannot shine and be unnoticed.
For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matt 2:2 
                          Intensify your shinning to increase your effect.

                                                                    You don't have to go round to be noticed.
Shine where you are and all men will be attracted to you. 
                                                       To intensify your shinning be constantly filled with the Holy Ghost. Act 1:1-4, 6
The Holy Spirit is self announcing publicizer. Right there in dark God will announce you to the world for goodness, fAVOur, breakthrough, excellence and professionalism. cheers!!!!

Sunday 27 January 2013


 Success means obtaining outstanding results in succession.
Success is not a state but a process.

It is not a place but a journey.
It is not static but dynamic.
It is not arrival but a movement. Prov 4:18
Real success has growth as its core characteristic.
Success is good but deceptive in the sense that it gives you a feeling of arrival and settlement if not well managed.

To manage success:
        -       Thank God for every stage of it
        -       Pick lesson(s) from it
        -       Dispose of it for the next level
        -       Catch new vision
        -       Renew your drive and commitment.

Beware of self commendation; inside it is poison.
Success is sweet only for today.
Stretching it beyond is pollution and poison. Mic 2:10
Success is never ending, success is progressive!