Sunday 3 February 2013


1.Start by Loving Yourself

If you are unable to love yourself you are unable to love someone else. This is what I tell my friends but most Women often have trouble with this because they spend too much time loving others. They can remove themselves out of the picture and use up all their love on others. Please take note my dear sisters, Loving yourself is the basis of life and the basis of a balanced personality, what you don’t have you cannot give. How can you take another’s love for you seriously if you don’t believe you are worth loving?

2. Just Love Him For Himself
 Men have many qualities we love, perhaps they’re strong, or sexy, or inspirational, or funny, or even rich. Understand that this is not why you love him, you love him just because of him, nothing else. Like me I can’t understand why i love Him, all the time I wonder why?
Your love should not be conditional or based on any special qualities. What if these qualities go, what if he becomes poor? Love Him for him. Men, however, often think that it’s their special blend of qualities that attracts you. Encourage your man to understand that it’s not those qualities but their being themselves that you love. 

3. Live In Your Femininity
Whilst you may want to impress the man you love you must not stop being the woman you are. Your love should come from inside yourself, from your very soul. The love must be part of your femininity however you express it  and be part of how you live.
Remain just who you are, be the woman he met and fell in love with, that’s how to love a man.He finds excitement in your femininity, particularly when it laced with love. Don’t ever let him down.

4. Don’t Be His Mother
Men often retain a bond with their mother and like to be looked after by them. Don’t drift into being his mother or try to supercede her. He needs you as a lover.
Women can end up just taking care of their man and men accept this. This is potentially disastrous. He doesn’t really want this from you.
This is especially true after you have children. Take care you still treat him as your lover, this will be what he is missing.

5. Get To Know Him
 listen, listen, and listen. I am someone who always wants to be heard and never listens but thids always gdets mdde into trouble. we needdd to cultivadte a lisdtdening habit by patiently litening to him and studying him in order to know him more. How often do you feel a man drift away from you saying, “my wife doesn’t understand me”. Don’t let him go there, understand him. Love can only grow and deepen through understanding. You can never get to the point where you think you know everything about him, never ever. Even after marriage you will still find pout that there are certain things you don't know about. You may think a man is simple, in fact he is a complex person that even he doesn’t understand. You need to love him and get to know him with patience and determination, this is a key to how to love a man.

6. Count Your Blessings
 That means the blessings you have together name them 1 by 1, the things you have achieved together, all that you are as a couple. This should be a regular part of your life together. It’s ok to recount the great things in the past but this should be tempered with looking at the amazing things you are going to do in the future.  As a rule of thumb it is advisable to expect a future way beyond one that you can imagine. Expectations can lead to frustration if they limit you, expecting them to go way beyond is a good step into the future.

7. Give Him Space
Whilst a woman often needs attention, a man needs space and time. Men thrive on being focused and directed and sometimes need to clear their minds to focus on what is important to them at that moment. Accept it may not be you. It can be important to give him time to respond to a situation. Women often respond immediately, instinctively, but a man can take more time, to reflect and formulate a response. Understand this and give him the time, don’t jump in at all. Yes, you might think otherwise that maybe he doesn't you again but i tell you he does all he needs is a little space and time.
There are times, also, when men need space just to be… well, nothing. Men thrive on periods of emptiness, allow them that. Get this right and you will really know how to love a man.

8. Receive As Well As Give
Love is about giving more than receiving but if you give too much you close off the channel for love. It is crucial that you are able to receive the love that is offerred to you by him otherwise it quickly dies. It may not come in the form you expect, look out for it, however subtle, and accept it in the spirit it was given. Don’t shower him with more love than he can receive. Don't choke him up!!!!!!

9. Make Him Feel Amazing
Men need to feel good about themselves and often don’t. They may live in their power but not be convinced by it. Make him feel he deserves it, make him realise he is the man he would like to be. It’s important to do this from a genuine appreciation of him and his qualities.
He should believe what you say otherwise everything disappears. Inspire him to be more of himself. You have to understand this to know how to love a man.

10. Start Afresh Each Day
 Start again as if it was the first day of the relationship. Welcome him into your world and look forward to your day together. Give him your love and tell him you love him. Do it again in a different way and repeat. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you where to go from here. This applies equally to you and your man. The refreshing of your love will keep it alive and bring you closer to each other. Through this your love will deepen and become an essential part of everyday you spend together.
As a woman you will succeed if make your man feel amazing. Inspire him to feel more of himself, then he will feel like a man…

Thank you.

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