Wednesday 6 February 2013

Turnig Intelligence Into Productivity: part 2

Diligence invests time, thought, and energy into a project with the hope that it will produce a healthy return. By investing a lot, diligent individuals expect to gain a lot. They realize that what they get out of something depends upon what they are willing to put into it. 

Diligence also finishes what it starts. It counts the cost and sees things through to the bitter end. In fact, for the diligent, the satisfaction of finishing a project is often as meaningful as any praise or recognition they receive from others. 

Diligence also applies to both small and large projects, significant or menial, easy or difficult. It applies the same effort to whatever task is at hand, realizing that anything worth doing is worth doing right.

When the stress and pace of leadership prove unbearable, diligence balances character qualities with one another to overcome hindrances and see projects through to completion. 

Thoroughness focuses on details which can sometimes bog down a project. Diligence pursues resourceful solutions to keep things going.

Orderliness puts everything in its place to achieve greater efficiency. Diligence recognizes how everything is linked together and prevents tidiness from becoming an obsession. 

Endurance refuses to give up, even when things fail. It buys enough time for a diligent person to find alternatives. The role of leadership is not an easy one. However, diligent leaders turn challenges into stepping stones by balancing one character quality with another.

                                           LOSERS SAYS
• We could be the first.                                                   • We’ve never done it before.
• It’s too complicated.                                                     • We don’t have the resources.
• It will never work.                                                         • There’s not enough time.
• We’ve already tried.                                                      • There is no way it will work.
• It’s a waste of time.                                                        • It’s not good enough.
• It can’t be don                                                                • It’s not my job.
                                                      • I can’t.

                                          WINNERS SAYS
• Let’s look at things differently                                          .• Necessity leads to invention.
• We will give it a try                                                          .• We’ll fit it into the schedule.
• We learned from experience                                             .• We’ll make it work!
• Think of the possibilities                                                     .• Let’s make it better.
• It will be a good challenge.                                                    • I’m glad to take responsibility.
                                                            • I can

 I ALWAYS SAY THIS TO MYSELF EVERYDAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its just a memory work
 I will work until I finish
Any job that I may start;
And instead of being lazy,
I will work with all my heart.
I will concentrate on what I do,
And keep my goal in sight;
I will follow the instructions
So the job will be done right.
Before me lies an open map,
The choice is mine to make.
I’ll live a life of character,
And that’s the road I’ll take!!!!!!

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